Arlo Camera Setup


The Arlo camera is one of the best security cameras on the market. If you just got your new Arlo camera, let us tell you that, setting up a new Arlo camera is one of the easiest tasks. Don’t worry if you are a beginner as the steps in this post will walk you through the process easily. The very first step in the Arlo camera setup is Arlo camera login. You need to get inside the device by authenticating yourself with the help of myarlo account setup. From Arlo camera login to myarlo account setup to Arlo camera setup, you will learn everything about your new Arlo camera in this article.

Arlo camera setup

  1. First and foremost, connect your Arlo base station to your existing wireless router. You would need an Ethernet cable to connect your Arlo base station to the wifi router.

  2. Now, attach the power cable to the Arlo base station and plug it into the power outlet.

  3. In case you are thinking of watching live footage of your Arlo camera through your mobile or tablet, be sure you download the Arlo camera app on Android mobile.

  4. In order to download the Arlo app on your Android device, go to the Google Play Store and search for Arlo. If you have an iOS device, go to the App Store and download the Arlo app easily.

  5. Download and install it on your mobile or tablet.

  6. Launch the Arlo app and proceed with the Arlo camera setup process process

  7. Follow the in-app instructions carefully in order to avoid facing any issue.

This article was all about the Arlo camera login and myarlo account setup process. We hope this article helped you to understand the steps behind Arlo camera login and Arlo camera setup. If you see any issue coming up on your screen, feel free to call us on our toll free number 1-888-757-0777.


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